Member Categories
- Members not already certified to the IPC-1791 standard must agree to become certified within one year of joining USPAE.
- Each category allows a certain number of individuals who can be listed in the portal, access its resources, and attend events like webinars and member meetings.
- USPAE may allow additional individuals to participate in events for a fee that will be determined for each event.
Membership Levels | Individuals Included in Membership |
Membership Fee
Company with less than $100 million in annual revenue | 3 | $7,500 |
Company with between $100 million and $1 billion in annual revenue | 6 | $12,500 |
Company between $1 billion and $20 billion in annual revenue | 9 | $25,000 |
Company larger than $20 billion in annual revenue | 18 | $50,000 |
Academic Institution | 4 | $10,000 |
Start-up companies that are less than two years old | 1 | $500 |